a human can walk, a pilot can fly...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Some videos ... it can be funny

Here you have some interesting videos. 

Please, leave your comment!!!!

Something about F3P...

And now, another video a few powerful, a 3 meters Katana...

I hope you like them.

My planes and Equipment

Those are my planes,

YAK 54 3D. 3mm - Indoor

SUKHOI 29. 6mm - Outdoor

APEX 4D. 3mm - Indoor
And that is all by the moment. I'm trying to purchase a Helicopter, but, nowadays I can't afford it.

My emitter is that,

FUTABA FF7. 35,060

  The jump to the 2,4GHz technology is going to come in three months. Until that, this is my equipment. 


Hi, I'm p4k0m, and I have made that blog in order to complete a practical unit of the "Web 2.0" subject, that is imparted at the EPSL of the University of Jaén.

In this site I'm going to write anything that occurs in my life in relation with RC planes. Or, nowadays that the main idea, the final result could be seen in a few months.

I hope to have a lot of active viewers, in the same way that I hope your comments and sugestions.

We'll keep in touch.